
See Google Scholar link [here] and ORCID link [here] for more details

111. Watt A, and Pitcher T.E. (2025) Trait based prediction of conservation status of North American small-bodied minnows (Leuciscidae) and darters (Percidae). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.

110. Adeli K.A., Pitcher, T.E., Ludwig, J.M., Rinchard, J., Neff, B.D. (2025) Low thiamine concentrations are associated with altered cardiac morphology across reproductive life histories of spawning Chinook salmon. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.

109. Dugdale ML, Turko AJ, Gaffan SM, Ferreira MS, Pitcher TE (2024) Effects of acute suspended sediment exposure on the swimming and schooling performance of imperilled Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus). FACETS [pdf]

108. Adeli KA, Johnson K, and Pitcher TE (2024) Comparisons of isotopic niche between females and male alternative tactics of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytcha) from Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research.

107. Watt AM, Madliger CL, Turko AJ, Mokdad AI, and Pitcher TE (2024) Transport does not influence maximum metabolic rate or thermal tolerance of endangered redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus) FACETS 9: 1-9 [pdf]

106. Roberts D., Madliger C, Mokdad AI, Pitcher TE (2024) Comparing the stress physiology of hard- and soft-released juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after transportation for reintroduction. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

105. Choquette JD, Pitcher TE, Litzgus JD (2024) Occupancy and Detection of the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus): Implications for Evaluating Population Recovery Efforts. Herpetologica. 80: 262-274. [pdf]

104. Watt A, Mokdad AI, Pitcher TE (2024) Effect of enrichment on gamete production, gamete quality, and spawning coloration in hormonally induced redside dace Clinostomus elongatus. Endangered Species Research 53: 395-407. [pdf]

103. Choquette JD, Mokdad AI, Pitcher TE, Litzgus JD (2024) Selection and validation of release sites for conservation translocation of temperate zone snakes. Global Ecology and Conservation. e02765 [pdf]

102. Watt AM, Drake AD, Lawrie D, Pitcher TE (2023) Reproductive phenology and behaviour of endangered redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus) in urban streams. Journal of Fish Biology 102: 968-976. [pdf]

101. Choquette J, Gui J, Litzgus J, Pitcher TE (2023) A systematic review of snake translocations to identify potential tactics for reducing post-release effects. Conservation Biology. 2022;e14016. [pdf].

100. Mokdad AI, Elsheikh M, Sulja OM, Pitcher TE (2023) Neuromorphological and behavioural effects of early developmental exposure to alarm cue on captive-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. In Press. [pdf]

99. Thorstensen MJ, Turko AJ, Heath DD, Jeffries KM, Pitcher TE (2022) Acute thermal stress elicits interactions between gene expression and alternative splicing in a fish of conservation concern. Journal of Experimental Biology. 225: jeb244162. [pdf]

98. Mokdad, AI, Garner, SR, Neff BD, Pitcher TE (2022) Upstream and downstream dispersal behaviour of hard- and soft-released juvenile Atlantic Salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 42: 438-446. [pdf]

97. Doherty CLJ, Fisk AT, Cooke SJ, Pitcher TE, and Raby GD (2022) Exploring relationships between oxygen consumption and biologger-derived estimates of heart rate in two warmwater piscivores. Journal of Fish Biology. 100: 99-106. [pdf]

96. Turko AJ, Leclair ATA, Mandrak NE, Drake DAR, Scott GR and Pitcher TE (2021) Choosing source populations for conservation reintroductions: lessons from variation in thermal tolerance among populations of the imperilled redside dace. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 78 [pdf].

95. Rowshyra A. Castañeda, Joseph Ackerman, Lauren J. Chapman, Steven J. Cooke, Kim Cuddington, Alan Dextrase, Donald A. Jackson, Marten A. Koops, Martin Krkošek, Kevin Loftus, Nicholas E. Mandrak, André L. Martel, Péter K. Molnár, Todd J. Morris, Trevor E. Pitcher, Mark S. Poesch, Michael Power, Thomas C. Pratt, Scott M. Reid, Marco A. Rodríguez, Jordan Rosenfeld, Chris Wilson, David T. Zanatta, D., Andrew R. Drake (2021) Approaches and research needs for advancing the protection and recovery of imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78:1356-1370. [pdf]

94. Presello AJ, Smith JL, Drew TD, Loftus KK, Johnston T, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE (2021). Induction of Free-Flowing Gametes in Order to Establish a Reintroduction Broodstock of Bloaters (Coregonus hoyi) for Lake Ontario. Advances in Limnology. 66: 363-379 [pdf]

93. Mitchell K, Garner S, Houde A, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE, Neff BD. (2021). Effects of a low-thiamine diet on reproductive traits in three populations of Atlantic salmon targeted for reintroduction into Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78: 135-143. [pdf]

92. Watt AM, Marcec-Greaves R, Hinkson KM, Poo S, Roberts B, and Pitcher TE (2021) Effects of age on sperm quality metrics in endangered Mississipi gopher frogs (Lithobates sevosus) from captive populations used for controlled propagation and reintroduction efforts. Zoo Biology. 40: 218-226. [pdf]

91. Turko AJ, Nolan CB, Balshine S, Scott GR, Pitcher TE (2020). Thermal tolerance depends on season, age and body condition in imperilled redside dace, Clinostomus elongatus. Conservation Physiology 8: coaa062 [pdf]

90. Warriner TR, Semeniuk CAD, Pitcher TE, Heath DD, Love OP (2020). Mimicking transgenerational signals of future stress: Thermal tolerance of juvenile Chinook salmon is more sensitive to elevated rearing temperature than exogenously increased egg cortisol. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 548939 [pdf]

89. Raby, G, Doherty, C, Mokdad, A, Pitcher, TE, Fisk AT. (2020). Post-exercise respirometry underestimates maximum metabolic rate in juvenile salmon. Conservation Physiology 8: coaa063 [pdf]

88. Myers, J, Bradford, JA, Hallas, VS, Lawson LL, Pitcher TE, Dunham RA, Butts IAE. (2020) Channel catfish ovarian fluid differentially enhances blue catfish sperm performance. Theriogenology 149: 62-71. [pdf]

87. Warriner T, Semeniuk CA, Pitcher TE, Love OP (2020) Exposure to exogenous egg cortisol does not rescue juvenile Chinook salmon body size, condition, or survival from the effects of elevated water temperatures. Ecology and Evolution 10: 2466-2477. [pdf]

86. Orbach D, Evans JP, Rooke A, Pitcher TE, Purchase C. (2020) No female post-copulatory mediation of sperm swimming characteristics despite limited ability for pre-copulatory mate choice in a polyandrous beach spawning fish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 449-459. [pdf]

85. Watt, A.,Marcec R, Pitcher TE (2020) Time from Injection of Lutenizing Hormone Releasing Hormone Affects Sperm Quality in the Critically Endangered Mississippi Gopher Frog (Lithobates sevosus) Journal of Zoo Biology 39: 23-28. [pdf]

84. Lehnert SJ, Christensen K, Vandersteen WE, Sakhrani D, Pitcher TE, Heath JW, Koop BF, Heath DD, Devlin RH (2019) Carotenoid pigmentation in salmon: Variation in expression at BCO2-I locus controls a key fitness trait affecting red colouration. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 286: 20191588 [pdf]

83. Semeniuk CAD, Capelle P, Dender M, Devlin R, Dixon B, Drown J, Heath JW, Hepburn R, Higgs DM, Janisse K, Lehnert S, Love OP, Mayrand J, Mickel M, Pitcher TE, Neff B, Semple SL, Smith JL, Toews S, Wellband K, Heath DD (2019)  Domestic-wild hybridization to improve aquaculture performance in Chinook salmon. Aquaculture 511 (2019) 734255 [pdf]

82. Darcy AP, Raby GD, Johnson TB, Pitcher TE, Fisk AT (2019) Effects of intracoelomic transmitter implantation on metabolic rate, swimming performance, growth and survival in juveniles of two salmonids. Journal of Fish Biology 95: 1094-1106. [pdf]

 81. Lamothe KA, Drake DAR, Pitcher TE, Broome JE, Dextrase AJ, Gillespie A,Mandrak NE, Poesch MS, Reid SM, Vachon N (2019) Reintroduction of fishes in Canada: a review of research progress for SARA-listed species. Environmental Reviews. 27: 575-599. [pdf]

80. McCabe MM, Chiotti JA, Boase JC, Fisk AT, Pitcher TE (2019) Assessing acoustic tag effects on survival, growth and swimming ability of juvenile Lake Sturgeon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39: 574-581 . [pdf]

79. Lajoie CME, Love OP, Heath DD, Heath JW, Pitcher TE (2019) Inter-population differences in farmed Chinook salmon product quantity and quality. Aquaculture. 506: 23-29. [pdf]

78. Lehnert SJ, Garver KA, Richard J, Devlin RH, Lajoie C, Pitcher TE, Heath DD (2018) Significant difference in maternal carotenoids provisioning and effects on offspring fitness in Chinook salmon colour morphs. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 1876-1893. [pdf]

77. Lehnert SJ, Helou L, Pitcher TE, Heath JW, Heath DD (2018) Sperm competition, but not major histocompatibility drives differential fertilization success between alternative reproductive tactics in Chinook salmon. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 88-97. [pdf]

76. He X, Houde ALS, Pitcher TE, Heath DD. (2017). Genetic architecture of gene transcription in two Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations. Heredity. 119: 117-124. [pdf]

75. Butts IAE, Prokopchuk G, Kaspar V, Cosson J, Pitcher TE. (2017). Ovarian fluid impacts flagella beating and biomechanical metrics of sperm between alternative reproductive tactics. Journal of Experimental Biology. 220: 2210-2217. [pdf]

74. Gombar R, Pitcher TE, Lewis JA, Auld J, Vacratsis PO. (2017). Proteomic characterization of seminal plasma from alternative reproductive tactics of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of Proteomics 157: 1-9. [pdf]

73. Forest A, Dender M, Pitcher TE, Semeniuk CAD. (2017). The effects of paternal reproductive tactic and rearing environment on juvenile variation in growth as mediated through aggression and foraging behaviours of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Ethology 123: 329-341. [pdf]

72. Lehnert SJ, Butts IAE, Flannery E, Peters K, Heath DD, Pitcher TE. (2017). Effects of ovarian fluid on sperm performance and fertilization success of alternative reproductive tactics in Chinook salmon. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 1236-1245. [pdf]

71. Lewis JA, Pitcher TE. (2017). The effects of foreign seminal plasma on sperm velocity in the alternative reproductive tactics of Chinook salmon. Theriogenology. 92: 24-29. [pdf]

70. Ochs CL, Suntres T, Zygowska A, Pitcher TE, Zielinski BS. (2017). Organization of glomerular territories in the olfactory bulb of post-embryonic wild Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of Morphology 278: 464-474. [pdf]

69. Lehnert S, Devlin R, Pitcher TE, Semeniuk CAD, Heath DD. (2017). Redder isn't always better: cost of carotenoids in Chinook salmon. Behavioural Ecology 24: 1-9. [pdf]

68. Makiguchi Y, Ichimura M, Kitayama T, Nemoto T, Kawabata Y, Kitagawa T, Kojima T, Pitcher TE. (2017). Sperm allocation in relation to female size in a semelparous salmonid. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Open Science. 3: 12. [pdf]

67. Falica BK, Lehnert SJ, Pitcher TE, Heath DD, Higgs D. (2017). Ontogenic shifts in genetic and maternal effects on length and survival in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Aquaculture 468: 218-225. [pdf]

66. Lewis JA, Pitcher TE. (2017). Tactic-specific genetic benefits of polyandry in Chinook salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 90: 1244-1256. [pdf]

65. Lehnert SJ, Devlin RH, Heath DD, Pitcher TE. (2017). Post-spawning sexual selection in red and white Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Behavioural Ecology 28: 1-10. [pdf]

64. Audet C, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE. (2017). Effects of intraspecific hybridization between two hatchery reared strains of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) on juvenile survival and fitness-related traits. Fisheries Management and Ecology. [pdf]

63. Makiguchi Y, Torao M, Kojima T, Pitcher TE. (2016). Reproductive investment patterns and comparison of sperm quality in the presence and absence of ovarian fluid in alternative reproductive tactics of Masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou. Theriogenology 86: 2189-2193. [pdf]

62. Siddique MAM, Linhart O, Krejszeff S, Zarski D, Pitcher TE, Politis SN, Butts IAE. (2016). Paternal identity impacts embryonic development for two species of freshwater fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology 245: 30-35. [pdf]

61. Forest AR, Semeniuk CAD, Heath DD, Pitcher TE. (2016). Additive and non-additive genetic components of the jack male life history in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Genetica 144: 477-485. [pdf]

60. Houde ALS, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE. (2016). Genetic architecture and maternal contributions of early-life survival in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Journal of Fish Biology 88: 2088-2094. [pdf]

59. Lehnert S, Pitcher TE, Devlin R, Heath DD. (2016). Red and white Chinook salmon: genetic divergence and mate choice. Molecular Ecology 25: 1259-1274. [pdf]

58. Houde ALS, Pitcher TE. (2016). Fullfact: an R package for the analysis of genetic and maternal variance components from full factorial mating designs. Ecology & Evolution 6: 1656-1665. [pdf]

57. Haring M, Johnston T, Weigand M, Fisk AT, Pitcher TE. (2016). Difference in egg quantity and quality among hatchery- and wild-origin Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73: 737-746. [pdf]

56. Houde ALS, Black CA, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE, Neff BD. (2015). Genetic and maternal effects on juvenile survival and fitness-related traits in three populations of Atlantic salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 751-758. [pdf]

55. Johnson K, Butts IAE, Smith JL, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE. (2015). The effects of inbreeding on sperm quality in lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31: 62-70. [pdf]

54. Lehnert SJ, Love OP, Pitcher TE, Higgs DM, Heath DD. (2014). Multigenerational outbreeding effects in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Genetica 142: 281-293. [pdf]

53. Butts IAE, Sørensen SR, Politis SN, Pitcher TE, Tomiewicz J. (2014). Standardization of fertilization protocols for the European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Aquaculture 426: 9-13. [pdf]

52. Farwell M, Drouillard KG, Heath DD, Pitcher TE. (2013). Associations between female reproductive traits and polychlorinated biphenyl sediment concentrations in wild populations of brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65: 742-752. [pdf]

51. Daley J, Leadley T, Pitcher TE, Drouillard KG. (2013). The effect of food provisioning on persistent organic pollutant bioamplification in Chinook salmon larvae. Chemosphere 92: 10-15. [pdf]

50. Butts IAE, Alavi SMH, Mokdad A, Pitcher TE. (2013). Physiological functions of osmolality and calcium ions on the initiation of sperm motility and swimming performance in redside dace, Clinostomus elongatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (A - Molecular & Integrative Physiology) 166: 147-157. [pdf]

49. Pyron M, Pitcher TE, Jacquemin S. (2013). Evolution of mating systems in North American Cyprinids. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 747-756. [pdf]

48. Butts IAE, Mokdad A, Trippel EA, Pitcher TE. (2013). Development of biotechnology to cryopreserve sperm from redside dace, Clinostomus elongatus: implications for genome resource banking. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142: 671-680. [pdf]

47. Galvano PM, Johnson K, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE, Butts IAE. (2013). Ovarian fluid influences sperm performance in lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush. Reproductive Biology 13: 172-175. [pdf]

46. Johnson K, Butts IAE, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE. (2013). Sperm quality of hatchery-reared lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) throughout the spawning season. North American Journal of Aquaculture 75: 102-108 [pdf]

45. Flannery EW, Butts IAE, Slowinska M, Ciereszko A, Pitcher TE. (2013). Reproductive investment patterns, sperm characteristics, and seminal plasma physiology in alternative reproductive tactics of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108: 99-108. [pdf]

44. Butts IAE, Johnson K, Wilson CC, Pitcher TE. (2012). Ovarian fluid enhances sperm velocity based on relatedness in lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush. Theriogenology 78: 2105-2109. [pdf]

43. Lehnert S, Heath DD, Pitcher TE. (2012). Sperm trait differences between wild and farmed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Aquaculture 344: 242-247. [pdf]

42. Daley J, Leadley T, Pitcher TE, Drouillard KG. (2012). Bioamplification and the selective depletion of POPs in Chinook salmon larvae. Environmental Science and Technology 46: 2420-2426. [pdf]

41. Farwell M, Drouillard KG, Heath DD, Pitcher TE. (2012). Acclimation of life-history traits to experimental changes in environmental contaminant concentrations in brown bullhead (Ameirus nebulosus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31: 863-869. [pdf]

40. Butts IAE, Love OP, Farwell M, Pitcher TE. (2012). Primary and secondary sexual characters in alternative reproductive tactics of Chinook salmon: Associations with androgens and the maturation-inducing steroid. General and Comparative Endocrinology 175: 449-456. [pdf]

39. Beausoleil JJ, Doucet SD, Heath DD, Pitcher TE. (2012). Spawning colouration, female choice, and sperm competition in the redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus). Animal Behaviour 83: 969-977. [pdf]

38. Elgee KE, Ramnarine IW, Pitcher TE.  (2012). Multiple paternity, reproductive skew and correlates of male reproductive success in a wild population of the Trinidadian guppy. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21: 109-118. [pdf]

37. Butts IAE, Ward MAR, Litvak MK, Pitcher TE, Alavi SMH, Trippel EA, Rideout RM. (2011). Automated sperm head morphology analyzer for open-source software. Theriogenology 76: 1756-1761. [pdf]

36. Evans JP, Gasparini C, Holwell GI, Ramnarine IW, Pitcher TE, Pilastro A. (2011). Intraspecific evidence from guppies for correlated patterns male and female genital trait diversification. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 278: 2611-2620. [pdf]

35. Neff BD, Garner SR, Pitcher TE. (2011). Conservation and enhancement of wild fish populations: preserving genetic quality versus genetic diversity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 1139-1154. [pdf]

34. Fitzpatrick JL, Akbarashandiz H, Sakhrani D, Biagi CA, Pitcher TE, Devlin RH. (2011). Cultured growth hormone transgenic salmon are reproductively outcompeted by wild-reared salmon in semi-natural mating arenas. Aquaculture 312: 185-191. [pdf]

33. Klaus SP, Fitzsimmons LP, Pitcher TE, Bertram SM. (2011). Song and sperm in crickets: a tradeoff between pre- and post-copulatory traits or phenotype-linked fertility? Ethology 117: 154-162. [pdf]

32. Dennis CA, MacNeil MA, Rosati JY, Pitcher TE, Fisk AT.  (2010). Diet discrimination factors are inversely related to15N and 13C values of food for fish under controlled conditions. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24: 3515-3520. [pdf]

31. Elgee KE, Evans JP, Ramnarine IW, Rush SA, Pitcher TE. (2010). Geographic variation in sperm traits reflects predation risk and natural rates of multiple paternity in the guppy. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1331-1338. [pdf]

30. Pitcher TE, Beneteau CL, Walter RP, Wilson CC, Mandrak NE, Heath DD. (2009). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus). Conservation Genetics Resources 1: 381-383. [pdf]

29. Pitcher TE, Beausoleil J, Abbott JA, Vandereerden J. (2009). Sperm design and function in the Redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus). Journal of Fish Biology 75: 924-931. [pdf]

28. Pitcher TE, Doucet SM, Beausoleil J, Hanley D. (2009). Secondary sexual characters and sperm traits in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Journal of Fish Biology 74: 1450-1461. [pdf]

27. Neff BD, Pitcher TE. (2009). Mate choice for nonadditive genetic benefits and the maintenance of genetic diversity in song sparrows. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 424-429. [pdf]

26. Pitcher TE, Mays H. (2008). An introduction to genetic quality in the context of sexual selection. Genetica 134: 1-4. [pdf]

25. Neff BD, Pitcher TE. (2008). Mate choice for non-additive genetic benefits: a resolution to the lek paradox. Journal of Theoretical Biology 254: 147-155. [pdf]

24. Neff BD, Pitcher TE, Ramnarine IW. (2008). Inter-population variation in multiple paternity and reproductive skew in the guppy. Molecular Ecology 17: 2975-2984. [pdf]

23. Pitcher TE, Rodd FH, Rowe L. (2008). Mate choice and the relatedness of mates in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Genetica 134: 137-146. [pdf]

22. Pitcher TE, Neff BD. (2007). Genetic quality and offspring performance in chinook salmon: Implications for supportive breeding. Conservation Genetics 8: 607-616. [pdf]

21. Pitcher TE, Rodd FH, Rowe L. (2007). Sexual coloration and sperm features in guppies. Journal of Fish Biology 70: 165-177. [pdf]

20. Pitcher TE, Neff BD. (2006). MHC class IIB alleles contribute to both additive and non-additive genetic effects on survival in Chinook salmon. Molecular Ecology 15: 2357-2365. [pdf]

19. Pitcher TE, Dunn PO, Whittingham LA. (2005). Sperm competition and the evolution of testes size in birds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 557-567. [pdf]

18. Stutchbury BJM, Pitcher TE, Norris DR, Tuttle EM, Gonser RA. (2005). Does male extra-territory foray effort affect fertilization success in hooded warblers Wilsonia citrina? Journal of Avian Biology 36: 471-477. [pdf]

17. Neff BD, Pitcher TE. (2005). Genetic quality and sexual selection: an integrated framework for good genes and compatible genes [Invited Review]. Molecular Ecology 14: 19-38. [pdf]

16. Stutchbury BJM, Morton ES, Pitcher TE. (2005). Sex roles in migrants: extra-pair mating systems and winter social systems. In: Birds of Two Worlds: The Ecology and Evolution of Migratory Birds. Greenberg R, & Marra P (eds), Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, pp. 307-320.

15. McMaster DG, Neudorf DL, Sealy SG, Pitcher TE. (2004). A comparative analysis of laying times. Journal of Field Ornithology 75: 113-122. [pdf]

14. Pitcher TE, Neff BD, Rodd FH, Rowe L. (2003). Multiple mating and sequential mate choice in guppies: females trade up. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (B) 270: 1623-1629. [pdf]

13. Morrow EH, Pitcher TE. (2003). Sexual selection and the risk of extinction in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (B) 270: 1793-1799. [pdf]

12. Morrow EH, Pitcher TE, Arnqvist G. (2003). No evidence that sexual selection is an "engine of speciation" in birds. Ecology Letters 6: 228-234. [pdf]

11. Ogden LJE, Neudorf DLH, Pitcher TE, Stutchbury BJM. (2003). Female song in the hooded warbler. Northeastern Naturalist 10: 457-464. [pdf]

10. Evans JP, Pitcher TE, Magurran AE. (2002). The ontogeny of courtship, colour and sperm number in male guppies. Journal of Fish Biology 60: 495-498. [pdf]

9. Neff BD, Pitcher TE. (2002). Assessing the statistical power of genetic analyses to detect multiple mating in fish. Journal of Fish Biology 61: 739-750. [pdf]

8. Morrow EH, Arnqvist G, Pitcher TE. (2002). The evolution of infertility: does hatching rate in birds coevolve with female polyandry? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15: 702-709. [pdf]

7. Neff BD, Pitcher TE, Repka J. (2002). A Bayesian model for assessing the frequency of multiple mating in nature. Journal of Heredity 93: 406-414. [pdf]

6. Pitcher TE, Evans JP. (2001). Male phenotype and sperm number in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 1891-1896. [pdf]

5. Dunn PO, Whittingham LA, Pitcher TE. (2001). Mating systems, sperm competition, and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in birds. Evolution 55: 161-175. [pdf]

4. Pitcher TE, Stutchbury BJ. (2000). Extraterritorial forays and male parental care in hooded warblers. Animal Behaviour 59: 1261-1269. [pdf]

3. Norris DR, Stutchbury BJM, Pitcher TE. (2000). The spatial response of male hooded warblers to edges in isolated fragments. Condor 102: 595-600. [pdf]

2. Pitcher TE, Stutchbury BJ. (1998). Latitudinal variation in testis size in six species of North American songbirds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 618-622. [pdf]

1. Neudorf DL, Pitcher TE. (1997). Radio transmitters do not affect nestling feeding rates by female Hooded Warblers. Journal of Field Ornithology 68: 64-68. [pdf]