Spawning endangered Redside Dace in the Greater Toronto Area (video credit: PhD student Ashley Watt)
Pitcher Lab Research
evolutionary & Reproductive Ecology
Our lab studies wild fish populations to better understand evolutionary biology and reproductive ecology and we apply this information to; (1) improve captive breeding programs for endangered species, (2) increase fitness of hatchery reared fish and (3) produce sustainable salmon via aquaculture.
Great Lakes restoration ecology
Our lab works with various stakeholders including (among others) DFO, OMNRF, USFWS, USGS and other university researchers to restore native fish populations to the Great Lakes basin for sport fisheries and conservation programs.
species at risk and reintroduction biology
Our lab works with a variety of stakeholders to better understand reintroduction biology and captive breeding of Canadian endangered fish species. We are currently actively captively breeding species at risk fishes and we are studying reintroduction biology for freshwater fishes, frogs and snakes.