Freshwater Restoration Ecology Centre
The Freshwater Restoration Ecology Centre (FREC) is a research centre located on the Detroit River (running between Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair/Huron) that is a partnership between the University of Windsor and the Town of LaSalle, Ontario. The centre has a variety of uses, including mecocosm research for water quality issues and captive breeding for endangered fish. The centre also boasts several unique pieces of research equipment including our NSERC funded swim flume/respiromter system for Great Lakes Research (see FREC link for details). The centre will study economically important species and species at risk (including captive breeding for reintroduction biology ), including (among others) Redside Dace, Pugnose Shiners, Lake Sturgeon, and Atlantic salmon (reintroduction research for the Great Lakes). The facility was constructed with Canada Foundation for Innovation Funding , Ontario Research Fund and NSERC, as well as support from the Town of LaSalle and the University of Windsor.
Chinook salmon eggs (eyed-egg stage) developing prior to hatching. These fish are destined to be stocked into the Great Lakes for sport fishery.
FREC Early rearing facility for juvenile fishes, including the Chinook fry that hatch from the salmon eggs profiled above (see picture above)
Custom-made captive breeding system for rearing endangered and threatened freshwater fish species (for reintroduction programs)
FREC rearing tanks for species at risk fishes (n=72 separate compartments) and can be run as flow through or recirculation.
Video footage of the captive breeding population of Redside Dace in FREC tanks with enrichment.
FREC swim flume - respirometry system for large fishes (salmonids, sturgeon) and schools of smaller fishes. Over 850L capacity and flow rate can exceed river flows across Canada.
An experimental research population of Redside Dace at FREC used for examining relevant stressors.
Our new research trailer for testing questions regarding transport stress for species at risk fishes and hatchery reared Chinook and Atlantic salmon.
FREC outreach event with displays for the public regarding species at risk, Great Lake ecosystems, etc..
3D printed models of Redside dace and Creek Chub we use for outreach events.